• M. N. Koshlyakov Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • A. G. Zatsepin Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • S. A. Sviridov Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences
DOI: 10.29006/1564-2291.JOR-2019.47(5).13
Keywords: R/V “Professor Stockman”, V.B. Shtokman, “Stockman deposit”, expeditionary activity


In 2019, the 110th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Soviet oceanologist – Professor Vladimir Shtokman, with whose name is closely connected to the formation and development of dynamic oceanology in our country, is celebrated. In the same year, another significant date is celebrated – 40 years from the date of the introduction of the R/V Professor Shtokman into the scientific fleet of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The research vessel is named after the outstanding scientist V.B. Shtokman, who led the theoretical research at the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology from 1946 to 1968.


  1. Dobrovolsky A.D. Vladimir Borisovich Shtokman. Oceanology, 1969, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 5–14.

  2. Stokman V.B. On indirect methods for studying sea currents (the dynamic method and the M. Okada method) using the example of the Caspian Sea. Meteorology and Hydrology, 1938a, No. 8, [In Russian].

  3. Stokman V.B. Some characteristic moments of horizontal mixing of the water masses of the Caspian Sea in the system S = f (T). DAN SSSR, 1938b, Vol. XVIII, No. 8, [In Russian].

  4. Stokman V.B. Stationary wind currents in the sea in the presence of a vertical mass flow due to turbulence. Izv. USSR Academy of Sciences. Series geogr. and geophysis., 1939a, No. 1, [In Russian].

  5. Stokman V.B. The full flow of drift currents in the middle and southern parts of the Caspian Sea. DAN SSSR, Vol. XXIV, 1939b, No. 1, [In Russian].

  6. Stokman V.B. On turbulent diffusion of Atlantic waters in the northwestern part of the Caspian Sea. Problems of the Arctic, 1939, No. 5, [In Russian].

  7. Stokman V.B. On turbulent exchange in the middle and southern parts of the Caspian Sea. Izv. USSR Academy of Sciences. Series geogr. and geophysis., 1940, No. 4, [In Russian].

  8. Stokman V.B. The geometric properties of T, S-curves when mixing three water masses in an unlimited sea. DAN USSR, 1944, Vol. XLIII, No. 8, [In Russian].

  9. Stokman V.B. Wind surge and horizontal circulation in a closed sea of small depth. Izv. USSR Academy of Sciences. Series geogr. and geophysis., 1941, No. 1, [In Russian].

  10. Stokman V.B. To the determination of the mixing coefficient in the sea using T, S-curves (on the correctness of the Jacobsen method). DAN SSSR, 1944, Vol. XLIV, No. 8, [In Russian].

  11. Stokman V.B. Schemes of the stationary field of tongue-like isotherms in the sea in the case of a change in the intensity of turbulent mixing and flow velocity. Izv. USSR Academy of Sciences, series geogr. and geophysis., 1944, No. 4, [In Russian].

  12. Stokman V.B. An approximate method for calculating the thermal and salt balance of the sea and calculating sea currents. Tr. ANII, 1944, Vol. 184, [In Russian].

  13. Stokman V.B. An analysis of the applicability of indirect methods for calculating geostrophic currents in the Greenland Sea. Tr. ANII, 1944, Vo. 184, [In Russian].

  14. Stokman V.B. On the theory of the diurnal variation of temperature on the sea surface in connection with a new concept of a change in the coefficient of turbulent thermal conductivity in the surface layer of sea water. Tr. ANII, 1944, Vol. 184, [In Russian].

  15. Stokman V.B. Vertical distribution of heat waves in the sea. Proceedings of Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, 1946, No. 1, [In Russian].

  16. Stokman V.B. The theory of equatorial countercurrents in the oceans. DAN SSSR, 1946, Vol. LII, No. 4, [In Russian].

  17. Stokman V.B. A theoretical explanation of some of the remarkable features of the meridional profile of the Pacific surface. DAN SSSR, Vol. LIII, No. 4, [In Russian].

  18. Stokman V.B. The experience of indirectly determining the speed of the trade winds in the equatorial part of the Pacific Ocean. DAN SSSR, 1946. Vol. LIII, No. 6, [In Russian].

  19. Stokman V.B. Observed features of coastal circulation in the sea and their relationship with transverse wind unevenness. DAN SSSR, 1946, Vol. LIV, No. 3, [In Russian].

  20. Stokman V.B. Equations of the field of total flows excited by the wind in an inhomogeneous sea. DAN SSSR, 1946, Vol. LIV, No. 5, [In Russian].

  21. Stokman V.B. Using the analogy between the full flow at sea and the bend of a fixed plate to characterize flows in some specific cases. DAN SSSR, 1946, Vol. LIV, No. 8, [In Russian].

  22. Stokman V.B. A theory of ϑ, S curves as a method for studying the mixing of water masses in the sea. J. Marine Res., 1946, Vol. 6, No. 1.

  23. Stokman V.B. Equatorial countercurrents in the oceans. Leningrad: Gidrometeoizdat, 1948, [In Russian].

  24. Stokman V.B. Determination of flow velocities and density distribution in the cross section of an infinite channel depending on the effect of wind and lateral friction. Doklady AN SSSR, 1950, Vol. 71, No. 1, [In Russian].

  25. Stokman V.B. Long-term measurements of the variability of physical fields at oceanic ranges as a new stage in ocean research. Doklady AN SSSR, 1969, Vol. 189, No. 5, [In Russian].

  26. Stokman V.B. Selected works on the physics of the sea. Leningrad: Gidrometeoizdat, 1970, 336 p., [In Russian].

  27. Stokman V.B.

  28. R/V “Professor Stokman”.
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