• V. I. Byshev Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • V. G. Neiman Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences
DOI: 10.29006/1564-2291.JOR-2021.49(2).9
Keywords: L.I. Galerkin, hydrophysics, maps of the World Ocean, climate variability of hydrophysical fields, Atlas of Oceans


On April 30, 2021, the leading researcher of the Laboratory of large-scale variability of hydrophysical fields of the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Leonid Galerkin, PhD, celebrated his 90th birthday. The article highlights the contribution of L.I. Galerkin to Russian and world oceanology.


  1. Galerkin, L.I., 1961: Problemy, svjazannye s izucheniem sezonnyh kolebanij urovnja Mirovogo okeana (Problems related to the study of seasonal fluctuations in the World Ocean level). Oceanology, 6, 1108 p.

  2. Galerkin, L.I., 1961: Ocenka vzaimosvjazi statisticheskih raspredelenij temperatury, soljonosti, plotnosti i skorosti zvuka v severnoj chasti Tihogo okeana (Evaluation of the relationship of statistical distributions of temperature, salinity, density, and speed of sound in the North Pacific Ocean). Oceanology, 1(2), 237 p.

  3. Galerkin, L.I., 1962: O raschjote vodnogo balansa morja po urovnju (On the calculation of the sea water balance by level). Oceanology, 2, 783 p.

  4. Koshlyakov, M.N., L.I. Galerkin, and Din Hiyen Chyong, 1970: On the mesostructured of geostrophic currents in open ocean. Oceanology, 10(5), 805–814.

  5. Koshlyakov, M.N., L.I. Galerkin, and C.D. Hie’n, 1970: On the mesostructured of geostrophic currents in mid-ocean. Oceanology, 10(5), 637 p., [In Russian].

  6. Agafonova, E.G., L.I. Galerkin, and A.S. Monin, 1972: O proishozhdenii termohalinnoj cirkuljacii okeana (On the origin of the thermohaline circulation of the ocean). Oceanology, 12(6), 950 p.

  7. Agafonova, E.G., L.I. Galerkin, and A.S. Monin, 1975: Statistika temperatury i solenosti poverhnosti Mirovogo okeana (Statistics of temperature and salinity of the surface of the World ocean). Dokl. AN SSSR, 221(1), 205–208.

  8. Galerkin, L.I., A.S. Monin, and S.V. Sergunin, 1985: Sezonnye istochniki termohalinnoj cirkuljacii v Severnoj Atlantike (Seasonal sources of the thermohaline circulation in the North Atlantic). Dokl. AN SSSR, 282(3), 705 p.

  9. Galerkin, L.I., A.S. Monin, and S.V. Sergunin, 1987: O vostochno-zapadnoj asimmetrii vzaimodejstvija okeana i atmosfery (On the east-west asymmetry of the ocean-atmosphere interaction). Dokl. AN SSSR, 295(4), 969 p.

  10. Galerkin, L.I., A.M. Gritsenko, and S.G. Panfilova, 1998: Climatic characteristics of the layer of thermal inversions in the ocean. Oceanology, 38(6), 758–765.

  11. Galerkin, L.I., S.G. Panfilova, and A.D. Shcherbinin, 2000: Intraannual variability of salinity in the northeastern Norwegian sea. Russian meteorology and hydrology, 10, 51–58.

  12. Byshev, V.I., L.I. Galerkin, N.L. Galerkina, Ju.A. Ivanov, and L.M. Fomin, 2001: Cooling of the Barents Sea during the El-Niño phenomenon in 1997–1998. Doklady Earth Sciences, 376, 110–113.

  13. Matjushenko, V.A., L.R. Lukin, G.D. Homenko, and L.I. Galerkin, 2001: Fitoplankton i vertikal'nye potoki mikrovodoroslej v severo-vostochnoj chasti Barenceva morja v sentjabre 1997g (Phytoplankton and vertical microalgae flows in the north-eastern part of the Barents Sea in September 1997). V sbornike nauchnyh statej: Opyt sistemnyh okeanologicheskih issledovanij v Arktike. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology (In the collection: Experience of systematic oceanological research in the Arctic. Collection of scientific articles. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology). Moscow, 432–442.

  14. Galerkin, L.I., A.M. Gritsenko, S.G. Panfilova, and A.D. Yampol'skii, 2002: Seasonal variotions in horizontal temperature gradients of water in the North Atlantic. Doklady Earth Sciences, 384(4), 473–477.

  15. Byshev, V.I., L.I. Galerkin, and N.L. Galerkina, 2002: Thermohaline structure of the Barents Sea waters and its variability on the basis of observations in 1997 and 1998. Oceanology, 42(1), 30–46.

  16. Galerkin L.I., A.M. Gritsenko, and S.G. Panfilova, 2006: Climatic fields of horizontal temperature gradients of water in the South Atlantic. Doklady Earth Sciences, 408(4). 607–611.
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