Modelling of suspended matter distribution in marine coastal areas. 2. Testing and practical applying of SM-model

  • K. A. Podgornyi Atlantic Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography
  • A. V. Leonov Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences
DOI: 10.29006/1564-2291.JOR-2017-45(1).11
Keywords: bypassing, model of suspended matter distribution, information for calculations on the model: natural factors (wind, sea currents, temperature and salinity of sea water, properties of sandy bottom sediments), technological data of carrying out dredging works, calculations of ground losses, conditions for the formation of suspended matter, its concentration in water, accumulation at the bottom


The application of the developed model is shown. It describes the consequences of dredging in the coastal waters (the formation of turbidity spots and the spread of suspended matter over the water area) as well as calculates the values of several parameters characterizing the conditions for the redistribution of suspended matter in the water column and on the bottom surface. These parameters include the duration of the turbidity spot in the water, the change and distribution of the concentration of suspended matter within such a spot, and the accumulation of losses of suspended matter at the bottom for the entire period of work. These parameters are included in the list of characteristics on the base of which damage to biological resources (for example, to benthic organisms) is estimated due to disturbances in their natural habitat after completion of works on bypassing.

Author Biography

K. A. Podgornyi, Atlantic Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography


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Marine geology, geophysics and geochemistry