• Г. М. Резник Институт океанологии им. П.П. Ширшова РАН
DOI: 10.29006/1564-2291.JOR-2021.49(2).15
Ключевые слова: В.М. Каменкович, гидродинамика, пограничные течения, крупномасштабная океанская циркуляция


12 июня 2021 г. на 90-м году ушел из жизни крупный российский океанолог, один из создателей современной геофизической гидродинамики, профессор, доктор физикоматематических наук Владимир Моисеевич Каменкович.


Публикации и научно-организационная деятельность В.М. Каменковича / Publications and scientific and organizational activities of V.M. Kamenkovich

Книги / Books

  1. Kamenkovich, V.M., 1977: Fundamentals of ocean dynamics. Gidrometeoizdat, 1973, 240 pp. (In Russian). English translation by Elsevier, 249 pp.

  2. Monin, A.S., V.M. Kamenkovich, and V.G. Kort, 1977: Variability of the Oceans. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1974, 262 pp., (in Russian). English translation by J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., 241 pp.

  3. Kamenkovich, V.M., M.N. Koshlyakov, and A.S. Monin, 1986: Synoptic eddies in the ocean, First edition. Gidrometeoizdat, 1982, 264 pp., (in Russian). Expanded English translation by D. Reidel Publ. Co., 433 pp.

  4. Kamenkovich, V.M., M.N. Koshlyakov, and A.S. Monin, 1987: Synoptic eddies in the ocean. Second edition. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 511 pp., (in Russian).

Публикации в рецензируемых журналах / Publications in peer-reviewed journals

  1. Kamenkovich, V.M., 1956: On the influence of bottom relief on the pure drift current in the homogenous unbounded sea. Izvestiya AN SSSR, Geophysics series, 10, 1182–1187, (in Russian).

  2. Kamenkovich, V.M., 1958: On some simplifications of the equations of stationary current dynamics in the baroclinic sea. Doklady AN SSSR, 119, 6, 1134–1137, (in Russian).

  3. Ivanov, Yu.A. and V.M. Kamenkovich, 1959: Bottom relief as a basic factor contributing to the lack of zoning in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Doklady of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Earth Sciences Sections, 128, 977–979, (translated from Russian).

  4. Kamenkovich, V.M., 1960: The quasistationary property of drift currents in the ocean. Izvestiya of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Geophysics series, 1, 45–49, (translated from Russian).

  5. Kamenkovich, V.M., 1960: The influence of bottom relief on the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Doklady of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Earth Sciences Sections, 134, 983–984, (translated from Russian).

  6. Kamenkovich, V.M., 1961: The integration of the marine current theory equations in multiply connected regions. Doklady of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Earth Sciences Sections, 138, 629–631, (translated from Russian).

  7. Il’in, A.M. and V.M. Kamenkovich, 1963: The effect of friction on ocean currents. Doklady of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Earth Science Sections, 150, 9–11, (translated from Russian).

  8. Il’in, A.M. and V.M. Kamenkovich, 1964: The structure of the boundary layer in a two-dimensional theory of ocean currents. Okeanologiya, 4(5), 756–769, (in Russian).

  9. Kamenkovich, V.M., 1966: A contribution to the theory of the inertial-viscous boundary layer in a two-dimensional model of ocean currents. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2(12), 781–792, (translated from Russian).

  10. Kamenkovich, V.M., 1967: Normal modes of oscillation of a multilayered rotating fluid. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 3(3), 162–165, (translated from Russian).

  11. Kamenkovich, V.M., 1967: On the coefficients of eddy diffusion and eddy viscosity in large-scale oceanic and atmospheric motions. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 3(12), 777–781, (translated from Russian).

  12. Kamenkovich, V.M., 1969: A model for determining the surface temperature of the ocean. Oceanology, 9(1), 28–33, (translated from Russian).

  13. Il’in, A.M., V.M. Kamenkovich, T.G. Zhugrina, and M.M. Silkina, 1969: On the calculation of the complete circulation in the World Ocean (stationary problem). Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 5(11), 668–674, (translated from Russian).

  14. Kamenkovich, V.M. and V.A. Mitrofanov, 1971: An example of the effect of ocean-bottom topography on currents. Doklady of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Earth Science Sections, 199, 8–10, (translated from Russian).

  15. Kamenkovich, V.M. and G.M. Reznik, 1972: Bottom topography-induced detachment of the boundary current from the shore (linear barotropic model). Doklady of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Earth Science Sections, 202, 16–18, (translated from Russian).

  16. Kamenkovich, V.M. and G.M. Reznik, 1972: A contribution to the theory of stationary wind-driven currents in a two-layer liquid. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 8(4), 238–245, (translated from Russian).

  17. Kamenkovich, V.M. and A.B. Odulo, 1972: Free oscillations in a stratified compressible ocean of constant depth. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 8, 11, 693–700, (translated from Russian).

  18. Il’in, A.M., V.M. Kamenkovich, S.F. Kanaev, T.G. Zhugrina, and L.I. Lavrishcheva, 1974: An experiment in constructing a smoothed bottom relief of the World Ocean. Oceanology, 14(5), 617–622, (translated from Russian).

  19. Il’in, A.M., V.M. Kamenkovich, and T.G. Zhugrina, 1974: Seasonal variability of the vertically averaged circulation in the World Ocean (a numerical experiment). Oceanology, 14(5), 623–632, (translated from Russian).

  20. Kamenkovich, V.M. and T.B. Tsybaneva, 1976: Analysis of the Laplace tidal equations in the short-wave approximation (finite longitudinal wave numbers). Oceanology, 15(2), 151–156, (translated from Russian).

  21. Kamenkovich, V.M. and T.B. Tsybaneva, 1976: Analysis of Laplace’s tidal equations in the short-wave approximation (large longitudinal wave numbers). Oceanology, 15(3), 271–275, (translated from Russian).

  22. Kamenkovich, V.M. and B.V. Kharkov, 1976: Seasonal variation of the thermal structure of the upper ocean layer. Oceanology, 15(6), 642–647, (translated from Russian).

  23. Kamenkovich, V.M., V.I. Ul’yanova, and T.B. Tsybaneva, 1977: Dispersion relations for gravity and Rossby waves in the ocean. Oceanology, 17(3), 256–259, (translated from Russian).

  24. Kamenkovich, V.M. and A.V. Kulakov, 1977: Influence of rotation on waves in a stratified ocean. Oceanology, 17(3), 260–266, (translated from Russian).

  25. Kamenkovich, V.M., V.D. Larichev, and B.V. Kharkov, 1982: A numerical barotropic model for analysis of synoptic eddies in the open ocean. Oceanology, 21(5), 549–558, (translated from Russian).

  26. Kamenkovich, V.M., V.D. Larichev, and B.V. Kharkov, 1982: A quasigeostrophic baroclinic model for the analysis of synoptic eddies in the open ocean. Oceanology, 21(6), 673–679, (translated from Russian).

  27. Kamenkovich, V.M. and T.B. Tsybaneva, 1982: An investigation of low frequency short-wave motions in the ocean. Oceanology, 22(4), 391–395, (translated from Russian).

  28. Kamenkovich, V.M., V.D. Larichev, and B.V. Kharkov, 1982: Numerical experiments with a barotropic quasigeostrophic model of synoptic motions in the open ocean. Oceanology, 22(5), 531–536, (translated from Russian).

  29. Kamenkovich, V.M., V.D. Larichev, and B.V. Kharkov, 1983: Numerical experiments with a baroclinic quasigeostrophic model of the local prediction of synoptic motions. Oceanology, 23(2), 145–150, (translated from Russian).

  30. Zhdanov, M.A. and V.M. Kamenkovich, 1984: A method of computing the velocity field of large-scale climatic currents. Oceanology, 24(1), 17–22, (translated from Russian).

  31. Zhdanov, M.A. and V.M. Kamenkovich, 1985: On a procedure for calculating the velocity of large-scale currents from density data. Oceanology, 25(4), 440–442, (translated from Russian).

  32. Kamenkovich, V.M., Yu.M. Grachev, and B.V. Kharkov, 1986: Forecasting synoptic motions in the Polymode region with a barotropic model. Oceanology, 26(3), 279–283, (translated from Russian).

  33. Kamenkovich, V.M., V.D. Larichev, B.V. Kharkov, Yu.M. Grachev, and T.B. Tsybaneva, 1986: Predicting synoptic motions in the Polymode region using a baroclinic model. Oceanology, 26(5), 547–552, (translated from Russian).

  34. Kamenkovich, V.M., N.K. Bezhanova, and Yu.B. Filyushkin, 1987: Evaluation of the speeds of the basic flow from the characteristics of observed synoptic eddies in the problem of baroclinic instability of a large-scale current. Oceanology, 27(5), 531–535, (translated from Russian).

  35. Kamenkovich, V.M., 1989: Development of Rossby waves generated by localized effects. Oceanology, 29(1), 1–11, (translated from Russian).

  36. Kamenkovich, V.M., 1989: Theory of quasigeostrophic motions in a two-layer atmosphere with scale greater than the Rossby scale. Oceanology, 29(2), 133–138, (translated from Russian).

  37. Kamenkovich, V.M., 1989: Intermediate scale single-mode baroclinic motions in a two-layer ocean. Oceanology, 29(3), 270–275, (translated from Russian).

  38. Kamenkovich, V.M., and I.V. Kamenkovich, 1993: On the evolution of Rossby waves, generated by wind stress in a closed basin, incorporating total mass conservation. Dyn. Atm. Oceans, 18(1–2), 67–103.

  39. Kamenkovich, V.M., V.A. Sheremet, A.R. Pastushkov, and S.O. Belotserkovsky, 1995: Analysis of the barotropic model of the subtropical gyre in the ocean for finite Reynolds numbers. Part I. J. Mar. Res., 53(6), 959–994.

  40. Sheremet, V.A., V.M. Kamenkovich, and A.R. Pastushkov, 1995: Analysis of the barotropic model of the subtropical gyre in the ocean for finite Reynolds numbers. Part II. J. Mar. Res., 53(6), 995–1024.

  41. Kamenkovich, V.M. and B.V. Kharkov, 1995: Influence of synoptic eddies on recirculation gyre of the Gulf Stream. Oceanology, 35(1), 1–6, (translated from Russian).

  42. Andjelov, L.V., V.M. Kamenkovich, and G.M. Reznik, 1995: On the generation of Rossby waves by a moving localized source with varying intensity. Oceanology, 35(3), 297–310, (translated from Russian).

  43. Kamenkovich, V.M., Yu.P. Leonov, D.A. Nechaev, D.A. Byrne, and A.L. Gordon, 1996: On the influence of bottom topography on the Agulhas eddy. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 26(6), 892–912.

  44. Garraffo, Z.D., and V.M. Kamenkovich, 1996: A note on the transport of the Brazil Current. Geophys. Res. Letters, 23(13), 1629–1632.

  45. Krupitsky, A., V.M. Kamenkovich, N. Naik, and M.A. Cane, 1996: A linear equivalent barotropic model of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current with realistic coastlines and bottom topography. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 26(9), 1803–1824.

  46. Kamenkovich, V.M. and B.I. Sebekin, 1996: On the reflection of stationary low-frequency waves from a coast in a mid latitude ocean: the rectilinear western coast. Oceanology, 35(5), 589–600, (translated from Russian).

  47. Kamenkovich, V.M. and M.A. Nusinov, 1996: On the onset of the boundary current at the western coast of an ocean. Oceanology, 36(4), 445–452, (translated from Russian).

  48. Garzoli, S.L., A.L. Gordon, V. Kamenkovich, D. Pillsbury, and C. Duncombe-Rae, 1996: Variability and sources of the southeastern Atlantic circulation. J. Mar. Res., 54(6), 1039–1071.

  49. Sheremet, V.A., G.R. Ierley, and V.M. Kamenkovich, 1997: Eigenanalysis of the two-dimensional wind-driven ocean circulation problem. J. Mar. Res., 55(1), 57–92.

  50. Kamenkovich, V.M., 1997: On the transition between different dynamical regimes of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. J. Mar. Res., 55(6), 1163–1169.

  51. Cane, M.A., V.M. Kamenkovich, and A. Krupitsky, 1998: On the utility and disutility of JEBAR. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 28(3), 519–526.

  52. Kamenkovich, V.M., B.V. Kharkov, 1998: On a physical mechanism of formation of the Gulf Stream recirculation gyre. Oceanology, 38(3), 291–299, (translated from Russian).

  53. Kamenkovich, V.M., 1998: On a necessary condition for the existence of the western boundary layer in a two-layer model. Oceanology, 38(4), 502–504, (translated from Russian).

  54. Ivchenko, V.O., A.E. Krupitsky, V.M. Kamenkovich, and N.C. Wells, 1999: Modeling the Antarctic Curcumpolar Current: A comparison of FRAM and equivalent barotropic model results. J. Mar. Res., 57(1), 29–45.

  55. Cane, M.A. and V.M. Kamenkovich, 1999: Reply. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 29(8), Part 2, 2119.

  56. Kamenkovich, V.M., 1999: On the divergence-form finite-difference approximation to the momentum advection in curvilinear orthogonal coordinates. Ocean Modelling, 1(2–4), 95–99.

  57. Burnett, W.H., V.M. Kamenkovich, G.L. Mellor, and A.L. Gordon, 2000: The influence of the pressure head on the Indonesian Seas circulation. Geophys. Res. Letters, 27(15), 2273–2276.

  58. Burnett, W.H., V.M. Kamenkovich, D.A. Jaffe, A.L. Gordon, and G.L. Mellor, 2000: Dynamical balance in the Indonesian Seas circulation. Geophys. Res. Letters, 27(17), 2705–2708.

  59. Burnett, W.H., V.M. Kamenkovich, A.L. Gordon, G.L. Mellor, 2003: The Pacific/Indian Ocean pressure difference and its influence on the Indonesian seas circulation: Part I – The study with specified total transports. J. Mar. Res., 61(5), 577–611.

  60. Kamenkovich, V.M., W.H. Burnett, A.L. Gordon, G.L. Mellor, 2003: The Pacific/Indian Ocean pressure difference and its influence on the Indonesian seas circulation: Part II – The study with specified sea-surface heights. J. Mar. Res., 61(5), 613–634.

  61. Vinogradov, S., N. Vinogradova, V. Kamenkovich, and D. Nechaev, 2004: Temperature and salinity variability in the Mississippi Bight. Mar. Technol. Soc. Journal, 38(1), 52–60.

  62. Vinogradova, N., S. Vinogradov, D. Nechaev, V. Kamenkovich, A. Blumberg, Q. Ahsan, and H. Li, 2006: Evaluation of the Northern Gulf of Mexico Littoral Initiative model based on the observed temperature and salinity in the Mississippi Bight. Mar. Technol. Soc. Journal, 39(2), 25–38.

  63. Kamenkovich, V.M. and D.A. Nechaev, 2009: On the time-splitting scheme used in the Princeton Ocean Model. J. Comput. Physics, 228, 2874–2905.

  64. O’Driscoll, K.T.A. and V.M. Kamenkovich, 2009: Dynamics of the Indonesian seas circulation. Part I – The influence of bottom topography on temperature and salinity distributions. J. Mar. Res., 67, 119–157.

  65. Kamenkovich, V.M., K.T.A. O’Driscoll, and D.A. Nechaev, 2009: Dynamics of the Indonesian seas circulation. Part II- The role of pressure head. J. Mar. Res., 67, 159–184.

  66. Gordon, A.L. and V.M. Kamenkovich, 2010: Modeling and Observing the Indonesian Throughflow. Dyn. Atmos. Oceans, 50, 113–114.

  67. Rosenfield, D., V.M. Kamenkovich, K. O’Driscoll, and J. Sprintall, 2010: Validation of a regional Indonesian Seas model based on a comparison between model and INSTANT transports. Dyn. Atmos. Oceans, 50, 313–330.

  68. Kamenkovich, V.M. and D.A. Nechaev, 2019: Tenson analysis of main differential operators utilized for description of ocean hydrodynamics in curvilinear orthogonal coordinate system. Journal of Oceanological Research, 47(2), 139–171. (in Russian).

Другие важные публикации / Other important publications

  1. Kamenkovich, V.M., 1962: On the theory of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (K teorii Antarkticheskogo Krugovogo Techeniya). Trudy Inst. Okeanologii AN SSSR, 56, 241–293, (in Russian). There is an English translation by W.D. McKee and R. Radok (unpublished).

  2. Stockmann, W.B. and V.M. Kamenkovich, 1964: On the effect of the wind and lateral friction on circulation around islands (Vliyanie vetra i bokovogo treniya na tsirkulyatsiyu okolo ostrovov). In: Studies on Oceanography. A collection of papers dedicated to K. Hidaka. Ed. K. Yoshida. University of Tokyo Press, 30–37, (in Russian).

  3. Kamenkovich, V.M., 1975: Basic concepts in modeling the ocean circulation. In: Numerical models of ocean circulation. Proc. Symp. Nat. Acad. Sci., Durham, N.H., USA, 1972; Nat. Acad. Sciences, Washington, D. C., 21–25.

  4. Flierl, G.R., V.M. Kamenkovich, and A.R. Robinson, 1975: Gulf Stream meandering and Gulf Stream rings. In: Dynamics and the analysis of MODE-1. Report of the MODE-1 Dynamics Group, MIT, 113–135.

  5. Kamenkovich, V.M. and A.S. Monin, 1978: Basic concepts of thermo-hydromechanics of the ocean (Osnovnye polozheniya termogidromekhaniki okeana). In: Fizika okeana, Vol. 1, Gidrofizika okeana, Moscow, Nauka, 85–112, (in Russian).

  6. Kamenkovich, V.M. and A.S. Monin, 1978: Small oscillations in the ocean (Malye kolebaniya v okeane). In: Fizika okeana, Vol. 2, Gidrodinamika okeana, Moscow, Nauka, 5–48, (in Russian).

  7. Kamenkovich, V.M. and G.M. Reznik, 1978: Rossby Waves (Volny Rossbi). In: Fizika okeana, Vol. 2, Gidrodinamika okeana, Moscow, Nauka, 300–358, (in Russian).

  8. Kamenkovich, V.M., 1978: Fundamentals of the theory of the large-scale ocean currents (Osnovy teorii krupnomasshtabnykh okeanskikh techenii). In: Fizika okeana, Vol. 2, Gidrodinamika okeana, Moscow, Nauka, 359–431, (in Russian).

  9. Kamenkovich, V.M. and D.Yu. Lysanov, 1984: On the theory of free oscillations in a rotating spherical layer of fluid (K teorii svobodnykh kolebanii vo vrashayushemsya sfericheskom sloe zhidkosti). In: Voprosy dinamiki okeana, Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 97–115, (in Russian).

  10. Kamenkovich, V.M., S.O. Belotserkovskii, and M.S. Panteleev, 1985: On the numerical modeling of barotropic currents generated by the large-scale wind field (K voprosu o chislennom modelirovanii barotropnykh techenii, porozhdennykh krupnomasshtabnym polem vetra). Izvestiya POLYMODE, Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences SSSR, Moscow, 15, 3–23, (in Russian).

  11. Kamenkovich, V.M., I.V. Polyakova, Yu.B. Filyushkin, and T.B. Tsybaneva, 1986: On the editing of a large set of hydrological observations: the POLYMODE database (Oredaktirovanii bol’shikh massivov gidrologicheskihkh dannykh: dannye POLYMODE). Izvestiya POLYMODE, Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences SSSR, Moscow, 20, (in Russian).

  12. Kamenkovich, V.M., 1989: On the synoptic variability of the World Ocean. In: Oceanography 1988. Proceedings of the Joint Oceanographic Assembly. Eds.: A. Ayala-Castaneres, W. Wooster, A. Yanez-Arancibia. UNAM Press, Mexico D. F., 69–80.

  13. Burnett, W., V.M. Kamenkovich, 1999: The influence of the pressure head on the Indonesian Seas circulation. Third Conference on Coastal Atmospheric and Oceanic Prediction and Processes. New Orleans, November, 1999. AMS. 385–388.

Членство в редколлегиях международных научных журналов / Membership in the editorial boards of international scientific journals

  1. Journal of Atmospheric & Ocean Science. Taylor & Francis. Member of the Editorial Board, since 2004 through 2006 (when journal was closed).

  2. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, Elsevier Sci. Publ. Co.. Member of the Editorial Board, since 1977 to present.

  3. Journal of Marine Systems, Elsevier Sci. Publ. Co.. Member of the Editorial Board, since 1990 through 2002.

  4. Okeanologiya (Oceanology), Russian Academy of Sciences. Deputy of the Editor-in-Chief, since 1988 through 1992; Scientific Secretary of the Editorial Board, since 1972 through 1988; Member of the Editorial Board, since 1992 through 1998.

Редактирование / Editing

  1. Kamenkovich, V.M. and A.S. Monin (eds.), 1978: Physics of the ocean. Moscow, Nauka, (in Russian). Vol. I: Hydrophysics of the ocean, 455 p.; Vol. II: Hydrodynamics of the ocean, 455 p.

  2. Kamenkovich, V.M. and A.S. Monin (eds.), 1984: Russian translation of J. Pedlosky «Geophysical Fluid Dynamics». Springer Verlag, 1982; Moscow, Mir, Vol. I, 400 p.; Vol. 2, 406 p.

  3. Kamenkovich, V.M. et al., 1986: The POLYMODE Atlas (jointly with A.S. Monin, A.D. Voorhis). Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Contribution No. 6077, 375 p. Woods Hole (with microfiche appendices).

  4. Kamenkovich, V.M. (ed.), 2010: Guest Editor of the special issue titled “Modeling and Observing the Indonesian Throughflow” of ‘Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans’ (jointly with A. Gordon, LDEO of Columbia University).

Международные исследовательские программы / International research programs

  1. 1988–1992 WOCE (World Ocean Circulation Experiment). Member of the Scientific Steering Group.

  2. 1988–1994 WOCE (World Ocean Circulation Experiment). Member of the Russian National Committee.

  3. 1974–1980 USSR–USA POLYMODE Program. Member of the Joint Organizing Committee; Cochairman of the Theoretical Subgroup.
История и персоналии